Strength and Conditioning: For Feet, Ankles, Calves & Shins, Part II

Focus: the major ankle movements in running: dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of the ankle joint and the big toe Duration: 50 mins. Props needed: blocks to use as supports, a folded blanket that can be used to cushion the knees, an elevated surface like any chair or low table The sessions in the ‘Strength and […]

Strength and Conditioning: For Feet, Ankles, Calves & Shins, Part I

Focus: Shins and calves, inversion of the ankle joint Duration: 41 mins. Props needed: belt, block, a folded blanket that can be used to cushion the knees, an elevated surface like any chair is optional The sessions in the ‘Strength and Conditioning’ category are not asana sessions, and are not based on the Iyengar tradition.  […]