Anchoring to Rest and Recover the Back
‘Anchoring’ (fixing) the lowest end of the back sets free the rest of the back to extend and expand safely. This spreading action is restful and healing for tissues and organs. Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate, Gentle Duration: 65 mins Props needed: a yoga strap, a sturdy chair, a few blankets/ bolsters, a hook/ door knob/ […]
Levelling-up Sirsasana, Part II: Complementary Practice for Headstand with Lower Body Focus
The sessions in this Short Course present the most common sirsasana (headstand) mistakes, and strategies to correct them. The first two parts of the Short Course present preparatory actions/ asanas that must be consistently done for a robust sirsasana practice. This second part focuses on the lower limbs (although you will find that preparation for […]