Ques: In Half handstand, what if I am not able to maintain the perfect ‘L’ shape?
This is an asana-specific question about half handstand: is it essential to maintain the feet position (on the wall), and the hand position (on the floor) to maintain the perfect ‘L’ shape?
Ques: Head Position in adho mukha svanasana
This is an asana-specific question about adho mukha svanasana: if it feels uncomfortable to take the head down or to keep the head hanging, can I always keep my head supported on a support (like bolster or block)?
Ques: Headstand (Sirsasana) Increasing Holding Time
Ques: What if there is pain/ discomfort when I try to grasp the hands to each other in gomukhasana?
Ques: Should my chest stay lifted when I take the final position of Prasarita padottanasana?
Ques: Various discomforts in Parsva Konasana
In Parsvakonansana, I feel pressure/ pain on the front leg knee, and feel clenching of the waist on the side of the from leg
Ques: Pinching sensation in the lower back in Virabhadrasana I
Feeling uncomfortable seated on the floor (Virasana) – should I or should I not use supports? (FREE Resource)
FREE Resources are available to everyone without payment and without logging in. Click on the video to play it.
Ques: Why is it so difficult for me to press something between my open palms with arms overhead?
My upper arm started shaking when i attempted to hold the block between the elbows
Chest and Abdominal Separation, pt. 1 of 2: Lecture & Demonstration (FREE Resource)
A brief introductory lecture and demonstration of how we can attempt to have a subjective experience of the breath in our bodies. This session also introduces the vocabulary that we often use in our classes to indicate the movement of the breath in the different regions of the body. This is the short first part […]