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Course Level: Experienced Beginner, Gentle

Chest and Abdominal Separation, pt. 1 of 2: Lecture & Demonstration (FREE Resource)

A brief introductory lecture and demonstration of how we can attempt to have a subjective experience of the breath in our bodies. This session also introduces the vocabulary that we often use in our classes to indicate the movement of the breath in the different regions of the body.  This is the short first part is followed by a second part to experience some of these concepts: Demonstration & Experience

Duration: 20 mins.

Props needed: a blanket or mat on the floor

FREE Resources are available to everyone without payment and without logging in. Click on the video to play it.

Tag words: breath free lecture pranayama

A brief introductory lecture and demonstration of how we can attempt to have a subjective experience of the breath in our bodies. This session also introduces the vocabulary that we often use in our classes to indicate the movement of the breath in the different regions of the body.  This is not a medical lecture, but an attempt to explain the subjective experience of breath in the context of asana and pranayama, in the two major regions of the body: the chest, and the abdomen.