Week12 Class#1 (Adaptations for Minor Knee Ailments)

  the first segment of this session introduces the full cycle of Sun Salutations ( surya namasakar)  the second segment of this session focusses on adaptations in standing and seated positions that can be done in case of minor knee ailments. These adaptations are not for therapy, and not for those going through acute knee […]

Week11 Class 2

  introducing Jump-throughs – introducing paschima namskara – as the initiation of back arching actions – introducing transitions between adho mukha svanasana, urdhva mukha svanasana and chaturanga dandasna – as preparation for surya namaskara    

Week11 Class #1 (Adaptations for Days of Menstruation)

  Adapting asanas for women during the days of menstruation, or for minor abdominal ailments. These adaptations are not not for therapy, and not for those going through acute discomfort. in such cases, a regular class might not be suitable. The adaptations shown are very simple so that a beginner level practitioner can quickly make […]

Week10 Class#2

Preparing for back arches through standing and seated positions, and introducing: chaturnga dandasana, salabhasna and bhujangasana – longer explanation of chaturanga dandasana with options to make it accessible – Introducing Gomukhasana    

Week10 Class#1 (Adaptations for Minor Back Ailments)

  Adapting asanas for minor back ailments. These adaptations are not for are not not for therapy, and not for those going through acute back discomfort. In such cases, a regular class might not be suitable. The adaptations shown are very simple so that a beginner level practitioner can quickly make these adaptations themselves with […]

Week9 Class #2

Parts of Spine introducing the main parts of spine – cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal. experiment with spinal segmentation introducing halasana – rolling up from the floor introducing setu bandha sarvangasana with block    

Week9 Class #1

exploring supta padangusthasana1,2 and 3 with and without the belt introducing virabharasana3 introducing gomukhasana and bharadvajasana leg positions    

Week8 Class#2

Twists in standing position (Parivrtta trikonansana) and in various seated positions – introducing supta padangusthasana3 – inverting to take weight on shoulders – introducing uttanasana to adhomukha svanasana jumpings    

Week8 Class#1 Shoulder Strengthening

Unlike most other sessions in this Course, this session does a deep-dive focussing on the shoulder area. these actions lead up to a half handstand. parts of the session can be done stand-alone on a regular basis to strengthen the shoulder area.    

Week7 Class#2

Parivrtta Trikonasana – explanation of front foot heel to back foot middle arch in standing asanas – forward extensions – intermediate and final positions – introducing parivrtta trikonansana