Setu Bandha Sarvangasana and Viparita Karani: from Independent to Supported
This series leads to a some deeply restorative and rejuvenative positions that are fully supported by two bolsters placed perpendicular to each other. We call them ‘cross bolsters. But to fully appreciate these supported positions, it is important to understand the classical asanas from where they have been derived. In the 3rd session of this […]
Journey from Active to Supported Back Arches & Inversions Using Two Bolsters: The Cross Bolster Magic (Short Course; level: Intermediate)
This Short Course leads from active back arches and inversions, to deeply restorative and rejuvenative positions that are fully supported by two bolsters placed perpendicular to each other. We call them ‘cross bolsters’. Prop-supported position are a boon to people with limitations, and preferable in certain conditions even for otherwise physically able people. But to […]
Use of Chair in Asana Practice: Back Arches
Regular practice of back arches is one of the characteristics of Iyengar Yoga. Here, we look at the basic and intermediate level positions only. While some of these positions require a backless yoga chair, some can be done with any sturdy chair. Level: Experienced beginners, Intermediate Duration: 75 mins. Props needed: belt, bolster, blanket, chair, […]
A Supported Energising Practice Leading Breathwork
This session starts with supported, but energising practice, and then transitions into breath-work Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle Duration: 90 min
Healthy Digestive System: Practice for Overall Health of the Gut
Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate, Gentle Duration: 90 mins. Props needed: This is a prop-intensive session! We will use 2 Chairs or a long table/ bed, bolster, blankets, blocks, and access to a wall This recording is part of the Short Course The Practice for Digestive Health (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate)
Half Lotus (Ardha Padma) Asanas for the Experienced Beginner Level
the ardha padma leg position – taking one leg in the padmasana position – is not merely a halfway stop to full padmasana. There are many asanas that are based on the ardha padma position. This session draws interesting connections with standing asanas as preparatory positions, and then explores some of these ardha padma (half […]
Shoulder Medley: Simple Actions Part I
The sessions in this Short Course are based on asana-inspired shoulder actions. Each session is programmed like a ‘shoulder circuit’: in the first part of the session, a set of actions are done slowly with detailed explanations, and in the next part, they are repeated at a faster pace (and if you wish to do a […]
Shoulder Medley: Simple Actions Part II
The sessions in this Short Course are based on asana-inspired shoulder actions. Each session is programmed like a ‘shoulder circuit’: in the first part of the session, a set of actions are done slowly with detailed explanations, and in the next part, they are repeated at a faster pace (and if you wish to do a […]
Shoulder Medley: Push and Pull Part I
The sessions in this Short Course are based on asana-inspired shoulder actions. Each session is programmed like a ‘shoulder circuit’: in the first part of the session, a set of actions are done slowly with detailed explanations, and in the next part, they are repeated at a faster pace (and if you wish to do a […]
Shoulder Medley: Push and Pull Part II
The sessions in this Short Course are based on asana-inspired shoulder actions. Each session is programmed like a ‘shoulder circuit’: in the first part of the session, a set of actions are done slowly with detailed explanations, and in the next part, they are repeated at a faster pace (and if you wish to do a […]