Setu Bandha Sarvangasana and Viparita Karani: from Independent to Supported
This series leads to a some deeply restorative and rejuvenative positions that are fully supported by two bolsters placed perpendicular to each other. We call them 'cross bolsters. But to fully appreciate these supported positions, it is important to understand the classical asanas from where they have been derived. In the 3rd session of this series, we re-inforce some of the learnings of the and session, and explore the connections between independent asanas and their supported versions: setubandha sarvangasana & viparita karani.
Level: Intermediate
duration: 75min
Props: chair, stack of blankets, two bolsters, blocks, belt, access to a wall
This session is part of the Short Course Journey from Active to Supported Back Arches & Inversions Using Two Bolsters: The Cross Bolster Magic (Short Course; level: Intermediate)
Tag words: back arches backbends belts biceps chairs cold day cold weather energising fatigue favorite feet health foot health garudasana hip health inversions jetlag parsvottanasana prasarita padottanasana salamba sarvangasana I salamba sirsasana I sciatica setu bandha sarvangasana shin health shoulder health sirsasana sports standing asanas triceps upper arms utkatasana utthita hasta padangusthasana I utthita hasta padangusthasana II viparita karani vrksasana warming
Supported positions are a boon to people with limitations, and preferable in certain conditions even for otherwise physically able people. But to fully appreciate these supported positions, it is important to understand the classical asanas from where they have been derived.
Those with shoulder and wrist injury/ weakness are advised caution in some of these positions
Asanas with complex prop set-ups are not as easy as they appear to be, especially since they involve long holds, it is best to learn these positions under direct supervision. If you are not used to working with props, please be extra attentive to the instructions for prop set-up