Twist with Ease

399.00 for 1 month

Twists done gradually and gently where they feel more like turning and revolving, rather than ‘twisting’.   Done like this, they have a very different effect on the physiology and the psychology.

This recording is discounted – apologies about the poor video quality in the first half hour

Level: Experienced Beginners, Gentle, Intermediate

Duration: 60 min

Tagwords: 60mins, twists, supine, sports, parivrtta, favorite

SKU: 125243bd7509 Category: Tags: , , , , ,


Usually we practice slower paced and restorative asanas/ supported positions in the last week of the month.  This is a gentle class without being a ‘slower paced classThis is a session of gentle twisting actions integrated into a slower paced class. where twisting actions often involve strong and sharp actions, the twisting actions in this session are more gradual, where they feel more like turning and revolving, rather than ‘twisting’.   Done like this, they have a very different effect on the physiology and the psychology.