Dynamic Weight Bearing and Weight Shifts for Resilient Knees: Exploration through Utkatasana

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Weight Bearing and Dynamic Weight Shifts for Resilient Knees

Duration: 75min; Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

This recording is part of the following Short Courses:

Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Intermediate).

Knees: from Healing to Challenging (Short Course 2, Course Level: Experienced Beginners)Save by buying the whole Course.

Tagwords: knee, knee alignment, knee strength, knee therapy, virabharasana2, hips, hamstrings, calf, calves, supta padanguthasana1, virasana, ardha chandrasana, Utkatasana, sports, favorite, 75min



Care and the discretion are advised when dealing with an injured and weak knee.  But the knee (like all other joints) will ultimately benefit from learning to bear weight, and learning to negotiate weight transfer in a dynamic manner. 

Those recovering from knee injuries are advised caution in the weight bearing, and in approaching the fully flexed positions like Virasana.