All-purpose Restorative Practice

399.00 for 1 month

An all-purpose restorative session that can be attempted by relative beginners.  Do this when feeling physically tired, emotionally exhausted or recovering from an illness

Level: Experienced Beginner

Duration: 60min.

Tagwords: 60min, restorative, quiet, props, supported, supine, seated, supta padangusthasana1, ardha uttanasana, janu sirsasana, supta baddhakonasna, supta swastikasana



Usually Beginners sessions do not involve long holds – even in supported positions.  There is a danger that the practitioner can get uncomfortable, bored, distracted or anxious.   However, this is a quiet/ restorative session that can be attempted by relative beginners.  Do this when feeling physically tired, emotionally exhausted or recovering from an illness.  Skip any position that does not give the desired effect, and move on to the next one.

Use objects from around the house – pillows, bolsters, blankets and chairs to build up the supports.  If not possible to stay in these positions for the duration of the instruction, release the positions and attempt a couple of rounds of shorter duration holds.