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Course Level: Experienced Beginner

Surya Namaskar Part 3 for Experienced Beginners: The Back arches and Alternatives

299.00 for 1 month

The sessions in this Short Course and good stand-alone sessions by themselves. This session explores the back-arch of Sun Salutation: urdhvamukha svanasana. In this session we do the full cycle of surya namaskar multiple times.

Level: Experienced Beginners, Beginners

Duration: 45mins

Props needed: yoga strap, access to a wall, props like blocks are optional

This session is part of the Short Course Constructing and De-constructing Surya Namaskar (Short Course, Level Exp. Beginners)


Tag words: 45mins arms back arches backbends backward extensions bhujangasana dynamic favorite hips legs shoulders sun salutations surya namaskara ustrasana

Surya namaskar can be an energising and strengthening practice – it is especially suited to morning and cold weather.  It is not so well suited to a hot climate or as an evening practice.

The sessions in this Short Course and good stand-alone sessions by themselves. This session explores the back-arch of Sun Salutation: urdhvamukha svanasana. This positions is sometimes difficult to do repeatedly especially for those with shoulder and wrist weaknesses and injuries. We spend time in preparing the arms and shoulders for the back arching positions, and also look at a couple of alternatives that are more workable in such conditions. In this session we do the full cycle of surya namaskar multiple times. We also spend some time preparing the arms and legs before the fast actions, and some pacifying actions after.

People with shoulder, wrist and back weakness are advised caution, although some adaptations are possible to work around these weaknesses without aggravating them.  Surya namaskar is not recommended for women during menstruation and pregnancy, and for anyone with recent abdominal surgery or other conditions like diarrhoea and dysentery, those with heart ailments, and anyone with any debilitating condition.