Exploring the Classic Back Arching asana: Urdhva Dhanurasana
Backward extensions are regarded as an 'advanced' category of asanas - requiring suppleness and strength in the muscles of the back, and good integration of the arms and the legs with the trunk. After preparing through simpler supported back arches, this session focusses on various ways of attempting urdhva dhanurasana.
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 75 mins.
Props used: A sturdy chair, couple of blocks, one or two blankets
Tag words: 75mins back arches backbends backward extensions favorite props salabhasana supports urdhva dhanurasana urdhva mukha svanasana
Backward extensions are regarded as an ‘advanced’ category of asanas – requiring suppleness and strength in the muscles of the back, and good integration of the arms and the legs with the trunk. After preparing through simpler supported back arches, this session focusses on various ways of attempting urdhva dhanurasana.
People with weak backs or with injuries are advised caution.