Gentle, Accessible, Supported: Forward Extensions
This is a gentle practice of forward extensions that includes enough options for supports to be accessible for most people. The session starts with focussed preparation to get the upper and sides of the back. The asanas in this session are done standing, which makes it easier to execute than the seated forward bends.
Level: Gentle
Duration: 50 mins
Props needed: a chair, a yoga strap, a few blankets
Tag words: 50mins anxiety forward bends forward extensions immunity parsvottanasana prone savasana respiratory health Stress supta padangusthasana I uttanasana
Forward extensions ought to have a calming/ stress relieving effect. However, often the strain of bending forward, stiffness in back and hips, makes it difficult to experience this quietening effect in the classical seated forward bends. This is a gentle practice of forward extensions that includes enough options for supports to be accessible for most people. The session starts with focussed preparation to get the upper and sides of the back. The asanas in this session are done standing, which makes it easier to execute than the seated forward bends.