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Course Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

What is Mindful Asana Practice?

399.00 for 1 month

This session attempts to give a real experience of 'mindfulness', 'awareness', and 'breath', in asana practice.

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 60 mins.

Props needed: any sturdy chair, a couple of blanket, yoga blocks

Tag words: 60mins abdominals awareness bharadvajasana I breath depression gomukhasana grief janu sirsasana mindfulness parsva konasana Recovery from illness standing asanas trikonasana upavistha konasana


We often hear the words ‘mindful’ and ‘awareness’ in discussions about asana practice.  Along with ‘breath’, it is popularly accepted as distinguishing an asana practice from other forms of fitness/ exercise.  This session attempts to give a real experience of mindfulness, awareness, and breath, , in asana practice.

The asanas in this session are not advanced, but they require some maturity in practice in order to appreciate the instructions.