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Course Level: Intermediate

Asana Practice for Extreme Fatigue (FREE Resource)

0.00 for 1 month

Unlike most other recordings on this portal, this is a real-time (minimal edits), follow-along session with almost no instructions.  I am sharing a practice that I have personally found very useful.  Please note, that this is not a prescriptive sequence. This is also not a beginner-level practice.  If you want to learn the asanas in this practice, you may refer to the following recordings:

Inversions - Supported Quietness Part I

Inversions - Supported Quietness Part II

Practice for Peri-menopause/ Menopause: The Softening, Widening and Surrendering Practice, Part II


Tag words: 75mins chair cross bolsters fatigue headache heat hormonal balance menopause perimenopause props sleep Stress supported supported inversions supta konasana therapy tiredness viparita karani womens health womens practice