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Course Level: Intermediate

Power-packed Forward Extensions – Leading up to Kurmasana

399.00 for 1 month

Forward extensions can require strength and stamina, energy and be physically demanding.  They can increase respiratory capacity, strengthen back muscles, and integrate abdominal actions.  This session also has some interesting ‘partnering’ ideas

Duration: 75 mins.

Props needed: a couple of yoga block, 2-3 firm blankets, any stable chair, access to a wall. Plate weights and wall rope set-up is optional.

Tag words: 75mins abdominal health abdominal toning abdominals adho mukha upavistha konasana kurmasana padahastasana padangusthasana parsvottanasana upavistha konasana urdhva mukha paschimottanasana uttanasana uttanasana hanging

Focus: ‘Restful’, ‘relaxing’, ‘limited only by flexibility’ – if your experience of forward extensions is still at this simplistic level, this is a session you need to attempt.  Forward extensions can also require strength and stamina, energy and be physically demanding.  They need not always be down for their ‘relaxing’ potential. They can increase respiratory capacity, strengthen back muscles, and integrate abdominal actions.  This session also has some interesting ‘partnering’ ideas


  • Although restful forward extensions are part of the menstrual practice, the final positions ( as shown in this session) are not recommended because of the strong abdominal action.
  • These actions are also not recommended for those with certain kinds of back injury/ weakness
  • Work with a knowledgeable partner who you trust.  Conversely, when helping/ assisting another person in an asana, work with sensitivity and with respect.