Arm Extensions that Lead to Success in Forward Bends

This session starts with a lot of arm-work – first done in isolation; and then incorporated in standing asanas.  This gets us ready to attempt forward extending positions. Although this session can be done as a stand-alone session, we recommend that you do it along with the session Varied Arm Actions that Lead to Success […]

Receiving Quietness and Support From the Wall: Abdominal Engagement

These set of sessions facing the wall have a calming effect on the nervous system. They are also preparation and orientation for the classical prone positions that are greatly beneficial for respiratory health. While not a menstrual practice, this session is supported, and relaxing.  It is, therefore, also suitable to be done during normal menstruation. […]

Standing and Inverting to Complement Back Arches

This is an intermediate level class that involves energising backward extensions.  In this session, back arches are interspersed with standing and upside-down positions that complement the backward-arching actions. Level: Intermediate Duration: 80 mins. Props required: a sturdy chair, a couple of blocks, one strap, stack of blankets for sarvangasana, halasana

How to Approach Stiffness in Hips

Stiff/ ‘tight’ hips, are connected to lower back pain, wearing out of the hip socket, arthritis of the knee, menstrual discomfort etc.  and therefore do not realise the importance of flexibility in hips.  Once stiffness has set in, re-gaining flexibility might feel like an impossible feat.  But it can be done through consistent effort.  This […]

Inversions – Supported Quietness Part I

Supported inversions (upside down asanas) are an integral part of many therapeutic practices – for hormonal balance, addressing stress and anxiety, improving sleep, immunity, improving digestion, women’s health etc. In these 2 sessions, we practice supported inversions for ease and quietness.  But before that, we consider how inversions are not just feet-up and head-down positions, […]

Forward Extensions: What to do When it Comes too Easy

Forward extensions for flexible practitioners: this session uses props not to make the forward extension positions asanas easier,  or even to make them more challenging, but to push sensations to parts of the lower back that are often overlooked in our eagerness to go into a final asana.  We experience the ‘broadness’ of the lower […]

Quiet Forward Extensions: Using Beds & Tables

This session seeks to give a glimpse of the quietening effect of forward extensions through the use of household objects as props. Most of this session is not just suitable, but will also bring relief to those with back weakness. Do a couple of shorter holds in case a longer hold in a position gets […]

Receiving Quietness and Support From the Wall: Prone Positions

These set of sessions facing the wall calming effect on the nervous system. They are also meant as preparation and orientation for the classical prone positions that are greatly beneficial for respiratory health.  In this session, we integrate the abdominal engagement (introduced in the previous session), as we explore a few prone positions. This can […]