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Course Level: Experienced Beginner, Gentle, Intermediate

Quiet Forward Extensions: Using Beds & Tables

399.00 for 1 month

This session seeks to give a glimpse of the quietening effect of forward extensions through the use of household objects as props. Most of this session is not just suitable, but will also bring relief to those with back weakness. Do a couple of shorter holds in case a longer hold in a position gets uncomfortable.

Level: Gentle, Experienced Beginners, Intermediate

Duration: 60 mins.

Props needed: any suitable piece of furniture or surface at home - bed, dining table, one yoga strap, access to a wall, a few blankets


Tag words: anxiety back back health back pain calm favorite parsvottanasana prasarita padottanasana props quiet restful Stress support supta padangusthasana I supta padangusthasana II therapy virabhadrasana III

Forward extensions can have a quietening and stress reducing effect on the mind. However, a basic level of back flexibility, as well as hamstring (back thigh) flexibility is required to access the quietness of forward extensions. If one is struggling to extend forward, there is only discomfort, and certainly no quietness. Developing flexibility in the back takes time and persistence, but is well worth the effort. Meanwhile, this session seeks to give a glimpse of the quietening effect of forward extensions through the use of household objects as props. Most of this session is not just suitable, but will also bring relief to those with back weakness. Do a couple of shorter holds in case a longer hold in a position gets uncomfortable.

Forward extensions are contra-indicated in certain cases of back injury/ weakness. Although most of this session will in fact benefit those who have minor back weakness, we still recommend that you use your discretion while doing these asanas.