Handstand/ Full Arm balance/ Adhomukha vrksasana: Arms, Shoulders, and Wrists

Strengthening the arms is a worthwhile exercise by itself.  From the perspective of asana practice, arms are the ‘handles’ to the spine. And of course, arms are essential to do various inversions and arm balancing positions. This session can be adapted to various degrees of experience and practice levels to make it appropriately challenging. Includes […]

Sarvangasana – a Perspective for Beginners

Sarvangasana or the shoulderstand is considered to be a foundational inversion position. Sarva + anga literally means all parts/ organs, but while learning, it is easier to focus on specific actions or areas.  This session introduce sarvangasana from the perspective of legs and hips. Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner Duration: 75 min. Props needed: blocks, yoga […]

Preparing for Backbends

Supported back arches interspersed with asanas to release the back in case of any strain.  A good session to start building confidence with back arches, that provides ample opportunity for self-assessment, for doing, releasing, backing-off, and progressing. Level: Gentle, Experienced Beginner Duration: 90 min Props needed: 2 blocks, yoga strap, a sturdy chair, access to […]

Using a Yoga Strap to Prepare for Forward Bends

There are literally more than a hundred muscles on the side of the spine.  Gaining some awareness and control of these muscles goes a long way in ensuring overall health of the back, and also safety and comfort in more advanced asanas.    In this session we access those para-spinal muscles by initiating with the […]

Active Practice on a Hot Day

A hot day can make us feel lethargic and dull.  At the same time, physical activity can leave us feeling exhausted.  This session gives some ideas about how to do an energising practice on a hot day – employing some strategies like use of supports, selecting asanas that open the pelvic area, resting the head, […]

Twisting Actions Leading to Forward Extensions

Forward extending asanas are not just bending forward. Instead, it is more useful to think of them as ‘forward extensions’.  In this session we explore this extension action at the waist.

The Armpits: Waking up the Dark Corners in Backward Extensions

This session combines supported back arches, with supported forward extensions.  The back arches are used to explore one of the ‘dark zones’ in our body that usually escapes our attention – the armpit area. In this session we practice backbends with awareness to that back end of the armpits. We use the backbends to access […]

Strengthening Legs for a Healthy Back: Beyond Walking, Beyond Stretching

In this session, we isolate and address a vary large group of muscles that has immense potential to increase the strength of our legs – the hamstrings.  These are crucial also in maintaining a healthy back.  This session uses supports to hold asanas for longer duration, giving chance to the hamstrings to passively lengthen, instead […]