The Fabulous Five Seated Forward Extensions: from Preparation to Final Positions (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginners)

A detailed exploration of the five classical seated forward extensions –  janu sirsasana, triangamukha ekapada paschimottanasana, ardha baddha padma paschimottanasna, and marichyasana I, and paschimottanasana.  These are not the most complex of the forward extensions, but taken together, they are fabulous in exploring different hip, leg, ankle, spine movements, with their differing effects on he […]

Half Lotus (Ardha Padma) Asanas for the Experienced Beginner Level

the ardha padma leg position – taking one leg in the padmasana position – is not merely a halfway stop to full padmasana.  There are many asanas that are based on the ardha padma position.  This session draws interesting connections with standing asanas as preparatory positions, and then explores some of these ardha padma (half […]

Varied Arm Actions that Lead to Success in Forward Bends and Back Arches

This session starts with moving and positioning the arm in various ways – first done in isolation; and then incorporated in standing asanas.  These actions are very important to bring back flexibility and strength to arm muscles, and is therefore relevant to everyone desk-workers, those who have minor cervical conditions, who experience stiffness in shoulders […]