Hip Connection to Back and to Legs

External rotation at the hip and work on the thighs and the lower back simultaneously to effect the hip in a healthy manner. Level – Experienced beginners, Intermediate, Gentle Duration – 75min Props needed: a sturdy chair, yoga strap, access to a wall This recording is part of the Short Course Hips that dont Need […]

Bringing Further Movement to the Groins

While groin injuries are common in sportspeople, runners and bicyclers, most of us live with chronically ‘tight’ groins.  The second session of this Short Course continues to explore the involvement of the groins in  standing and seated asanas.  The inner thigh area (the adductor group of muscles and the surrounding connective tissue) is stretched farther […]

Resting the Head: Restful Practice Based on Supported Forward Extensions (FREE Resource)

A short restorative practice that leverages the quietening effect of forward extensions.  Not specifically for respiratory health, this is a general restful practice session suitable for beginners, as well as for those with physical limitations, those recovering from an illness, and the aged. Props are used for support, but household objects can be used for […]

Gentle, Accessible, Supported: Forward Extensions

This is a gentle practice of forward extensions that includes enough options for supports to be accessible for most people.  The session starts with focussed preparation to get the upper and sides of the back.  The asanas in this session are done standing, which makes it easier to execute than the seated forward bends. Level: […]

Moving from Symmetry to Asymmetry – A Gentle Practice

We use the grounded equilibrium of supta tadasana to initiate this session.  We start to move our arms and legs one by one from this perfectly symmetrical position, and move on to a  series of quiet asanas in seated, standing, and supine positions, to understand the relationship between the limbs and the trunk.  We focus […]

Covid-19 Recovery: A suggested Yoga Program from the IY (UK) Therapy Committee, Part2 – Seated

This second session of this series covers supported seated positions. Short Course Covid19 Recovery: A Suggested Yoga Program from the IY (UK) Therapy Committee. Level: Experienced beginners, Intermediate, Gentle Duration: 50min. Props needed: This is a prop-intensive session, chair, firm blankets/ bolster, blocks.  Household objects may easily be used as props in this session: a […]