Viparita dandasana and Setubandha sarvangasana: from Independent to Supported

399.00 for 1 month

This session is part of the short Course Two Bolster Magic; Course 1: Journey from Active to Supported Back Arches and Inversions using ‘Cross Bolsters’.  Save by renting the entire Course

Level: Intermediate

duration: 60min

Tagwords: 60min, back arches, backward extensions, props, bolster, restful, back, shoulders, wrist, viparita dandasana, Setubandha sarvangasana



This session is part of the Short Course referenced under.  Although each session in this Course cane be done as a stand-alone session, to get a good understanding of how to link independent positions to each other, and to the supported positions, use of props, we recommend doing all the sessions in the Course in the order in which they are listed under.

This Short Course leads to deeply restorative and rejuvenative positions that are full y supported by two bolsters placed perpendicular to each other. We call them ‘cross bolsters’. Supported position are a boon to people with limitations, and preferable in certain conditions even for otherwise physically able people. But to fully appreciate these supported positions, it is important to understand the classical asanas from where they have been derived. In this session, we look at two such asanas: Viparita dandasana (continuing from the previous session in this Course) and Setubandha sarvangasana