Upper Back Preparation Leading to Back Arches (Part2 of Back Arches Weekend Intensive)

599.00 for 1 month

Progressing to further exploration of back arches, as preparation to seated breath work.  Focussing on the upper back – the dorsal thoracic area  – in back arches.

This session is part of the Short Course ‘Standing to Back Arches (Weekend Intensive).  Save by renting the entire Course.

Level:  Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Total duration: 240min (two sessions of 120 min each)

Tagwords: 120min, dorsal thoracic, upper back, shoulders, standing, utthita hasta padangusthasana, bhekasana, purvottanasana, dhanurasana, parsva dhanurasana



Progressing to further exploration of back arches, as preparation to seated breath work.