Leveraging Hip Mobility & Soft Groins in Standing Asanas

299.00 / month

Continuing from the previous class where the groin was made soft, In this session we practice standing asanas with that awareness of the groin.

This session can be done as a stand-alone session.  However, We recommend doing this session in combination with Releasing Groin Tightness Through Padmasana Preparation – Part1

Level: Gentle

Duration: 60mins

Tagwords: 60mins, knee, hips, hip stiffness, arthritis, twists, props, supports,  padmasana, upavistakonasana, baddhakonasana, supta padandusthasana, utthita hasta padangusthasana, sarvangasana



Hip tightness can manifest in many ways.  Tightness of the groins is one of them.  One of the common ones is the ability to sit on the floor in any position.  Sometimes this may manifest as more obvious pain or discomfort even in other positions in our day-to-day activities. This reduced mobility of the hip joint often increases as we age.  In the asana perspective, not being able to sit on the floor comfortably makes many other actions difficult to access.

In this session we practice standing asanas with that awareness of the groin.