Preparing for Forward Extensions: Stability in Legs and Shoulders

399.00 for 1 month

Finding Firmness in the legs and the shoulders as preparation for forward extensions.

Duration: 75 mins.

This session is part of Short Course Seated Forward Extensions: The Fabulous Four Leading up to Paschimottanasana, from Preparation to Final Positions (Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate).  Save by buying this entire Course

Tag words: 75min, forward extensions, hamstrings, arms, shoulders, standing, Parsvottanasana, Chaturana dandasana, Padangusthasana, Pada hastasana, Ubhaya padangusthasana



This first session in the Series Essential Forward Extension, reinforces the stability of the legs and the shoulder blades.  The limbs, are both the beneficiaries of forward extensions, as well as active participants in the classical seated forward extensions.  In fact, the journey towards the final positions starts with preparation of the legs and arms

Props needed: 2 blocks, access to wall, 1 belt

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1 Month, 48 Hours, 5 Years