Stable Hips and Mobile Ankles: Garudasana and More

In this session we prepare the ankles, and the hips for garudasana legs: compacting the hips in standing asanas, and lubricating the ankle through simple movements. In the Short Course, the complexity of binding is being introduced after the session on increasing ankle mobility, and weight-bearing actions on the ankles. Level: Experienced Beginners, Intermediate Duration: […]
Back and Front of the Body Parallel to Each Other

In this session, we explore the relationship between the back and the front of the body, and also how to move/ position these two facets so they are complimentary. Unlike the other sessions of this Short Course, this session puts the back in more challenging positions. The learnings of the previous sessions have to be […]
Deskworkers Antidote – Part 1 of 2: Unfreeze Hips, Keep Shoulders Mobile

This session is part of a series of classes to strengthen the legs, align the hips, keep the groin area (the hip flexors) soft, and move the shoulders and upper back – in other words, an antidote to sitting on chairs for long hours. This session focusses on moving the hips (and the shoulders) in […]
Training Legs for Standing

In this session, we look at some of the common standing postures that may lead to imbalances, and how to correct them. Level: Beginner/ Experienced Beginner Duration: 60 mins. Props needed: yoga strap, a couple of firm blankets, access to a wall
Use of Chair in Asana Practice: the ‘Sides’ of the Body

Many important organs – the lungs, digestive organs – exist as much on the sides of the body, as they do towards the ‘middle’, or the ‘front’ or the ‘back’; The chair can be useful in helping us to identify and experience these exciting category of ‘lateral asanas. Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate Duration: 75 mins. […]
Eka Pada Actions: Culminating the Leap towards Hanumanasana

Eka pada (lit. one-leg)actions teach us to observe and balance two perspective – seemingly opposites of each other. In this session we explore the front and back legs scissoring away from each other as it plays out in back arches. Duration: 85 mins. Level: Intermediate Props needed: a stack of firm blankets or a bolster, […]