Use of Chair in Asana Practice: the ‘Sides’ of the Body
Many important organs - the lungs, digestive organs - exist as much on the sides of the body, as they do towards the ‘middle’, or the ‘front’ or the ‘back’; The chair can be useful in helping us to identify and experience these exciting category of 'lateral asanas.
Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate
Duration: 75 mins.
Props needed: Chair, bolster, blanket, blocks, access to a wall
This recording is part of the Short Course Use of Chair in Asana Practice (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate)
Tag words: adho mukha virasana anantasana ardha chandrasana back arches back pain backbends blood pressure chairs cold day cold weather deskjob deskworker forward bends janu sirsasana jetlag parivrtta parsva konasana sports standing asanas tennis urdhva dhanurasana ustrasana
Being 3-dimensional organisms, it is obvious that our ‘sides’ should be as important as our ‘front’ and ‘back’. Many important organs – the lungs, digestive organs – exist as much on the sides of the body, as they do towards the ‘middle’, or the ‘front’ and the ‘back’; so does our musculature and nervous system. But the sides of the body often escape our awareness. The asanas in this session target the sides, and the chair is especially useful in this category because it helps us to identify the ‘side’, and then to stay on the ‘side’ a little longer than we otherwise can. The chair can be used in a variety of way especially in combination with other props like blankets, bolsters and belts. Here, we look at the basic and intermediate level positions only. While some of these positions require a backless yoga chair, some can be done with any sturdy chair.
This session assumes that the practitioner is already familiar with the unsupported versions of these asanas, and only teaches the adaptation with the chair and other props.