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Course Level: Experienced Beginner

Utkatasana Deep Dive for Experienced Beginners – Healthy Actions for Flat Foot and Varicose Veins

399.00 for 1 month

Exploring some direct and indirect relationships of the feet, the back, the arms, to this versatile foundational asana: utkatasana.

Can be done as a stand-alone session, recommended to be done along with Beyond Utkatasana: Healthy Actions from the Hip to the Plantar Fascia of the Feet

Level: Experienced Beginner

Duration: 60min

Props: chair, blankets, belt, access to wall

Tag words: 60mins adho mukha svanasana ankles calf calves dropped arches feet health flat feet flat foot foot health shins sports standing asanas ustrasana utkatasana varicose veins

Those with knee injuries are advised to use the adaptations that protect the knees
Those with shoulder/ neck injuries are advised caution in overhead arm positions