home/ rent single classes / Soft and Supported Preparation for Squatting
Course Level: Experienced Beginner, Gentle, Intermediate

Soft and Supported Preparation for Squatting

399.00 for 1 month

Introduces supports/ props to keep the groins soft and supported – building up from the unsupported actions of the previous sessions. We prepare for malasana.

Introduces supports/ props to access the groins - building up from the unsupported actions of the previous sessions.

Level: Experienced Beginners,  Intermediate, Gentle

Duration: 90min.

Props needed: yoga strap, a sturdy chair, access to a wall, this session needs an anchor on a wall/ grill where a strap can be looped

Can be done as a stand-alone session, we recommend following it up with the session Beyond Squatting to Arm Balances and Inversions.

This recording is also part of the following Short Courses:

Releasing Tight Groins Due to Walking/ Running/ Bicycling (Short Course; Level – Intermediate)

Releasing Tight Groins Due to Walking/ Running/ Bicycling (Short Course; Level -Experienced Beginners, Gentle)

Tag words: abdominals adductors adho mukha svanasana arm balance cervical health cervical spondylosis cycling deskworker energising fatigue forward bends golf groin health groin injury inner thighs knee health knee injury knees lower back health marichyasana I prasarita padottanasana soccer sports standing asana supta padangusthasana I utkatasana uttanasana walking