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Course Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Abdomen in Forward Extensions

399.00 for 1 month

Part of the Short Course on use of abdomen in asanas, this session focusses on integrating abdominal action  in categories like standing, twisting, and forward extensions

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 60min

This recording is part of the following Short Courses:

Short Course #1 for Abdomen: More than 'Core' (Level - Intermediate)  and,

Abdomen in Asanas: More than Core Series 1 (Level Experienced Beginner)

Tag words: 60mins abdomen abdominal toning abdominals arms core forward bends forward extensions parsvottanasana standing asana supta padangusthasana I supta padangusthasana II utthita hasta padangusthasana

Strong abdominal actions are contra-indicated for women during the days of menstruation.  These actions should also be avoided by those who have recently undergone any surgical procedures in the adbomen, or are suffering from abdominal conditions like diarrhoea, dysentery