Exploring Principles of Flexibility through Sama Konasana Preparation Part I
Sama konasana (full sideways splits) is one the popular icons of flexibility. The obvious focus of this session is to prepare for sama konasana, or to improve upavistha konasana. But the broader focus is to explore the concept of ‘improving flexibility’: the role of strengthening along with stretching, the importance of working on all the positions and angles of the joints and muscles, and of resting the parts after working them. This 1st part works with a combination of classical asanas, and some ‘drills’ to explore these concepts.
We recommend following up this session with Exploring Principles of Flexibility through Sama Konasana Preparation Part II (to be recorded)
Level: Experienced Beginner
Duration: 70 mins.
Props needed: a chair, a belt, a couple of blocks, and access to a wall will be required. In addition, A small footstool/ any small piece of furniture.
Tag words: 70mins abdominal health abdominal toning abdominals abductors bhekasana flexibility front thighs isometrics mens reproductive health outer thighs quadriceps sama konasana splits supta padangusthasana II supta padangusthasana III urinogenital health virabhadrasana I
– Most of this session can be attempted, and will be useful, for all levels of practitioners. Use your discretion to calibrate some of the positions that feel too complex.
– Those with knee injuries or weakness are advised caution in flexing and twisting actions of the knee.