Long Holds in Supported Positions
Holding an asana for a long period of time lets the effect of the asana ‘seep’ in. Supported positions that make possible long holds are one of the boons of the methodology developed by shri BKS Iyengar. They calm the nervous system, and are conducive for a meditative and breath-centric practice. This sequences is also good for women to do during the pre-menstrual phase.
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 90 min.
Props needed: blankets, belt, 1 chair, access to a wall
Tag words: adho mukha svanasana bicycling cervical spondylosis depression inversions Middle back parsvottanasana prasarita padottanasana purvottanasana salamba sarvangasana I salamba sirsasana I sirsasana urdhva dhanurasana virasana
Positions using prop arrangements often involve subtleties that are best learnt under direct supervision.
Long holds – whether supported or unsupported, are Intermediate level actions, that need to be built up over time and with practice If they get physically uncomfortable or mentally stressful, release the position and try a couple of shorter holds.
Inversions and strenuous asanas are contra-indicated for women during menstruation.