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Course Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Extending from Virasana: Adhomukha and Supta Virasana Ending with Breath-work

399.00 for 1 month

In this session, we look at forward extension from virasana to adhomukha virasana, and a supine extension to supta virasana. The session ends with breath-work preparatory to pranayama.

Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate

Duration: 75mins

Props required: this is a prop intensive-session. blankets and bolsters - or alternatives will be required.

This session is part of the Short Course Virasana and Supta Virasana: the Seat for back Arches to Breath Practices (Short Course; Level Intermediate)

Tag words: 75mins adho mukha virasana ankles favorite hips knees props support supta virasana virasana

Part 1: Preparatory asanas/ actions

Part 2: Adhomukha virasana – adaptations – 21 min onwards

Part: Supta virasana – adaptations – 41 min. onwards

Part4: Breath work – 52 min. onwards

Although virasana is a conditioner for the knees, those with knee injuries and weaknesses have to approach this position with caution.  the full flexion of the knee joint can stress the joint.