Upper Back Health through Forward Extensions
Often forward bends are contra-indicated in cases of back injury. The thoracic vertebrae of the upper back are the ones that are the stiffest for most people. In fact, it is this stiffness in the upper back that contributes to imbalance and pain that manifests in the lower back. In this session we use intermediate actions to access the muscles that control the thoracic region. They are beneficial in themselves, bringing flexibility to the the upper back area, and also prepare us for the final forward extensions.
Level: Gentle, Experienced Beginner
Duration: 90 min
Props needed: 2 blocks, yoga strap, access to a wall, blankets/ bolster and chair is needed to set up for a chair sarvagasana
Tag words: adho mukha svanasana baddhakonasana blankets blocks cervical health cervical spondylosis chairs deskjob deskworker neck health prasarita padottanasana salamba sarvangasana I savasana shoulder health shoulders uttanasana virasana
Often forward bends are contra-indicated in cases of back injury. People with weak backs or back injuries often develop a fear of forward extension actions. But these upper back actions, with their characteristic, arched but fully extended back bodies, arms and legs, look quite different from the final positions of the forward extensions. The thoracic vertebrae of the upper back are the ones that are the stiffest for most people. In fact, it is this stiffness in the upper back that contributes to imbalance and pain that manifests in the lower back. In this session we use intermediate actions to access the muscles that control the thoracic region. They are beneficial in themselves, bringing flexibility to the the upper back area, and also prepare us for the final forward extensions, reinforcing the connection of the arms and the legs through the back body. These positions are also not just safe, but recommended in many cases where the full forward extensions might be counter-indicated.
Note: While all the forward extensions in this session are supported positions, those withe back injuries are advised caution in the final positions.