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Course Level: Gentle, Intermediate

Experience of the 3 Kriyas in Asana and Pranayama

399.00 for 1 month

Doing asanas with a body-focus does activate specific nerve plexi (chakra regions) in the body.

Level: Gentle

Duration: 75 mins.

Props needed: a sturdy chair, a few blankets/ bolster, a couple of blocks ( optional), access to a wall

Tag words: bandha breath jalandhara kriya mulabandha pranayama uddiyana kriya

Doing asanas with a body-focus does activate specific nerve plexi (chakra regions) in the body. This is a multi-way relationship, where working with an appreciation of the chakra-regions also impacts our asanas. The same holds for the breath. This session explores these connections of the asanas, and the breath, with the three major nerve-plexi region of uddiyana, muladhara and jalandhara.