Half Lotus (Ardha Padma) Asanas for the Intermediate Level
the ardha padma leg position - taking one leg in the padmasana position - is not merely a halfway stop to full padmasana. There are many asanas that are based on the ardha padma position. This session draws interesting connections with standing asanas as preparatory positions, and then explores some of these ardha padma (half lotus) asanas.
Tag words: abdomen abdominals ankles ardha baddha ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana ardha baddha padmottanasana ardha matsyendrasana II baddhakonasana belts bharadvajasana II blankets front thighs hamstrings hips marichyasana II parsvottanasana pelvic floor props quadriceps support thighs upavistha konasana virabhadrasana I
If you are working yourself up towards a padmasana, then doing it one leg at a time is an important preparatory stage. However, the ardha padma leg position – taking one leg in the padmasana position – is not merely a halfway stop to full padmasana. It is a distinct action in itself. The padmasana leg firmly grounds the opposite leg, it will thus work the quadriceps and hamstrings of the straight leg, it will lift the pelvic floor; and when we flex forward, it will strongly massage the lower abdominal organs. There are many asanas that are based on the ardha padma position. This session draws interesting connections with standing asanas as preparatory positions, and then explores some of these ardha padma (half lotus) asanas.
Note: This session involves several positions with completely flexed knee. Those with knee injuries are advised caution.
Props needed: belt, bolster, blanket, chair, access to a wall
Level: Intermediate
Duration: 90mins