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Course Level: Experienced Beginner

Hip Stiffness: Deep Dive into Baddhakonasana

399.00 for 1 month

Stiff/ 'tight' hips, are connected to lower back pain, wearing out of the hip socket, arthritis of the knee, menstrual discomfort etc. To maintain the overall health of the hips, it is important to include many kinds of hip actions in our practice.  Asanas like baddhakonasana and supta baddhakonsasana, upavistakonasana and padmasana, are often referred to as 'hip-opening' asanas. But we must also learn to balance the 'stretching' actions with ‘firming' actions. In this session, we discuss the biomechanics, physiological, mental/ emotional effects of these positions.  We focus on  baddhakonasana, and end with  a supine pranayama preparation.

This session is part of the Short Course: Hip Health: Removing Stiffness.  Save by buying the entire Course.

Level: Experienced Beginner

Duration: 60 min.

Props needed: one sturdy low stool, one yoga strap, a couple of firm blankets

Tag words: 60mins baddhakonasana favorite hip health hips joint mobility lower back health menstrual health parsva konasana prostrate health supta baddhakonasana upavistha konasana vrksasana walking

Many people dont realise that they have stiff hips till they come to a yoga class.  Many people do not see the connection between ‘tight hips’, and lower back pain, wearing out of the hip socket, arthritis of the knee, menstrual discomfort etc., and therefore do not realise the importance of flexibility in hips.  This is not surprising.  The narrow range of activities that we habitually do with our modern lifestyles, both causes, and hides, stiffness of the hips (always sitting on chairs, never on the floor). Popular forms of exercise like walking, contribute to further stiffening of the hips.  Stiff hips will, sooner or later, manifest in skeleto-muscular problems like lower back pain.  But perhaps more importantly, the hip-pelvis area is the container for our urino-genital organs.  Stiffness and imbalances in this container can contribute to menstrual discomfort in women, and urinary/ prostrate problems in men. This area is also the seat of nerve plexi described as ‘chakras’ that control our emotional health and wellbeing.

Once stiffness has set in, re-gaining flexibility might feel like an impossible feat.  But it can be done through consistent effort.  This set of sessions explores the path for various levels of practice.

In this session, we explore a very powerful position: baddhakonasana.  This is a position that we keep returning to again and again in our pracitce – sometimes active, other times passive, sometimes with sometimes without, sometimes seated, and sometimes laying down.  This session has more detailed explanations, some experimentations, few movement exercises that do not strictly fall under the definition of ‘asanas‘, and it ends with a supine pranayama preparation.

While these sessions are recommended for maintaining hip mobility, those who have undergone hip replacement procedures should check with their doctors before attempting this positions and actions.