Principles of Womens’ Practice: Alignment of Abdomen and Low Back
In this session we explore the essential principles for efficacy of a woman's practice: alignment of the abdominal area (in the front of the body), with the lower end of the spine (at the back of the body).
This session is part of the Short Course The Principles of Women's Practice (Short Course; Level Intermediate) and the Short Course The Principles of Women's Practice (Short Course; Level Experienced Beginner). We recommend working with the other recordings in the the Short Courses for a complete practice.
Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate, Gentle
Duration: 75 min
Props needed: a sturdy chair, blocks, a yoga strap, bolster, access to a wall, a couple of firm blankets
Tag words: 75mins alignment ardha chandrasana menstrual health menstrual practice props setu bandha sarvangasana tadasana utthita hasta padangusthasana II virabhadrasana II womens health womens practice
The basic principles to be followed in a woman’s yoga practice for reproductive/ endocrine health remain the same at all stages of life. The menstrual practice, the practice during peri-menopause, practice for menstrual irregularities and dysfunctions, and even pregnancy, have to follow these principles to be efficacious.
In this session we explore the principle of alignment of the abdominal area (in the front of the body), with the lower end of the spine (at the back of the body) The muscles required to maintain this alignment are some of the largest and strongest muscles in our body – the thighs, the gluteal muscles. The actions therefore have to be done quite intensely, in order to be effective.
This session is for learning the principles. All parts of this session are not suitable to be done during the days of menstruation, during pregnancy etc. Please be attentive to cues about what is appropriate or otherwise during menstruation, during pregnancy etc.
This session focusses on turning the leg out (external rotation at the hip joint). A well-rounded practice should also include other movements of the hip like internal rotations.