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Course Level: Gentle, Intermediate

‘Binding’ Arms and Legs – and the Effect on the Breath

This session was recorded as the first part of a hybrid session, but it can also be done as a short-stand alone session.  The 'binding' positions of asanas offer a unique opportunity to study the 'breathing' potential even in compressed positions.

The audio segment of this session can be found on the following link:

The Breath Channels at Various Depths

Level: Intermediate, Gentle

Duration: 35mins

Props needed: 1 yoga strap is needed in the first segment, a few firm blankets are needed in the second segment of this session

This recording is part of the part of the following Short Courses:

Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Intermediate)

Stability and Mobility of the Feet: Toes, Ankles, Arches and More (Short Course, Level: Gentle)

Tag words: ankles arms breath garudasana gomukhasana hips pranayama shoulders

This session was recorded as the first part of an audio-video hybrid session, but it can also be done as a short-stand alone session.

The arm and the leg actions in this session have been selected to convey the relationship between the position of our limbs, and the movement of the breath.  These arm and leg positions are relatively simple (we have shown modifications in case the final positions are difficult to execute), and therefore the body/ breath relationship can be easily demonstrated.

We often think of ‘improving’ the breath by ‘expanding’ or ‘lengthening’ it.  However, the breath should be trained to traverse the entire spectrum.  The arm and leg binding positions in this sessions try to demonstrate this spectrum.  The ‘binding’ positions of asanas offer a unique opportunity to study the ‘breathing’ potential even in compressed positions.  This session (along with the accompanying audio session, focusses on ‘narrowing’ the breath channel, to drive it deeper inside.

This session was recorded as the first part of a hybrid session (the 2nd part is focussed on breath-work), but it can also be done by itself to explore some interesting connections of arms and leg actions in driving the course of the breath.
Instead of the more common route of expanding the areas of the breath, in this session (and the accompanying breath-focussed session), we experiment with narrowing down the breath channel, and driving it deeper inside.