Learning the Use of Props in Standing Asanas
In this short beginners session, we bring together some of the prop-based adaptations we introduce to the beginner-level students. Notice that the focus is not on learning ‘prop-technique’. The focus is on developing our awareness: to assess how these prop-based adaptations improve our understanding, and our execution of asanas. No specialised props required.
Duration: 40 mins.
Level: Experienced Beginners
Props needed: a couple of blocks, yoga strap, 2-3 firm blankets, access to a wall
Tag words: adho mukha svanasana blocks favorite parivrtta trikonasana parsvottanasana props support tadasana utthita hasta padangusthasana
Iyengar Yoga is not prop yoga. Even though Guruji did in fact invent and develop the use of most modern-day yoga props, the use of props in the Iyengar tradition is nuanced and intelligent. In this short beginners session, we bring together some of the prop-based adaptations we introduce to the beginner students. Notice that the focus is not on learning ‘prop-technique’. The focus is on developing our awareness to assess how these adaptations improve our understanding, and our execution of these asanas. This session uses a few props in the simplest of the standing asanas. This is a good opportunity for beginner level practitioners to get acquainted with such props, and to experiment not just with the standardised yoga props’, but with things that they might have lying around their home – blankets, books, low stool etc.