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Course Level: Experienced Beginner

Preparing the whole Body for Effective Seated Forward Extensions (Exp. Beginner Level)

399.00 for 1 month

In this session, we activate the back and the sides of the body, and then move towards seated forward extensions.

Level: Experienced Beginners

Duration: 75min

Props: chair, blankets, access to wall

Tag words: 75mins forward extensions hamstrings legs malasana shoulders supta padangusthasana I utkatasana

The back body often shrinks in forward extensions. For many, the lumbar/ lower back area might extend, but seldom does the upper and middle back get activated. In this session we start with mobilising the entire back body, integrating the action of the breath, and then going towards seated forward extensions.

People with neck/ shoulder injuries/ weakness are advised caution

forward extensions are contra-indicated in some conditions of back injury/ weakness