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Course Level: Experienced Beginner, Gentle, Intermediate

Resting the Head: Restful Practice Based on Supported Forward Extensions (FREE Resource)


A short restorative practice that leverages the quietening effect of forward extensions.  Not specifically for respiratory health, this is a general restful practice session suitable for beginners, as well as for those with physical limitations, those recovering from an illness, and the aged. Props are used for support, but household objects can be used for this.

Level: Experienced Beginner/ Gentle

Duration: 50min.

FREE Resources are available to everyone without payment and without logging in. Click on the video to play it.

Tag words: 60mins anxiety ardha uttanasana free janu sirsasana props quiet restful restorative seated asanas Stress supine supported supta baddhakonasana supta padangusthasana I supta swastikasana

A short restorative practice that leverages the quietening effect of forward extensions.  A basic level of back flexibility, as well as hamstring (back thigh) flexibility is required to experience the quietness of forward extensions.  If one is struggling to extend forward, there is only discomfort and certainly no quietness.  Similarly, if after releasing the position, one comes out with a sore back, it is not a quiet experience.  Developing flexibility in the back takes time and persistence, but is well worth the effort.  Till then, do not be embarrassed about using enough support.  This session seeks to give a glimpse of the quietening effect of forward extensions through the use of props, preparatory positions before, as well as follow-up positions after. Do a couple of shorter holds in case a longer hold in a position gets uncomfortable.