A Short Burst of Abdominal Actions
A short burst, dynamic abdominals session.
Duration: 40 min;
Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginners, Intermediate
Props used: a yoga strap, a plank/ stick about 2.5-3 ft long
This recording is part of the following Short Courses:
Short Course #1 for Abdomen: More than 'Core' (Level - Intermediate) and
the Short Course Abdomen in Asanas: More than Core Series 1 (Level Experienced Beginner)
Tag words: 35mins abdomen abdominal toning abdominals core drills favorite parsvottanasana supta padangusthasana III urdhva prasarita padasana
Strong abdominal actions are contra-indicated for women during the days of menstruation and during pregnancy. They should also be avoided by those who have recently undergone any surgical procedure of the abdomen, or have any abdominal condition like diarrhoea. Abdominal actions are closely linked to the back-body. Those with weakness/ injury in the back are advised caution.