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Course Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner, Gentle
Relief from Abdominal Heaviness after Feasting (Level Experienced Beginner/ Gentle)
₹299.00 for 1 month
A sequence to relieve abdominal heaviness/sluggishness, this is a mix of active and passive positions. All positions are supine and supported
level: Experienced Beginner, Gentle
Duration: 45 min
This recording is part of the following Short Courses:
Short Course #1 for Abdomen More than 'Core' (Short Course; Level Experienced Beginner) and,
Short Course #1 for Abdomen More than 'Core' (Level - Gentle)
Tag words: 45mins abdomen digestion props setu bandha sarvangasana supine supported supta baddhakonasana supta padangusthasana II supta padangusthasana III supta virasana