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Course Level: Beginner, Gentle, Intermediate

A Short and Simple Practice for Respiratory Health (FREE Resource)

Many of the positions shown in the Respiratory Health and Restful practice - FREE Recordings are strung together in this longer session.

Props are used for support, but household objects can be used for this.

FREE Resources are available to everyone without payment and without logging in. Click on the video to play it.

Tag words: adho mukha svanasana adho mukha virasana breath covid favorite lungs prasarita padottanasana prone prone savasana proning props respiratory health respiratory illness supported seated supports therapy yoga for covid

Many of the positions shown in the Respiratory Health and Restful practice – FREE Recordings are strung together in this longer session.  If you are a beginner, or not familiar with use of props/ supports in asana practice, we strongly recommend that you first go through the shorter tutorials before attempting this longer session.  Once you are familiar with the shorter tutorials, even newcomers will be able to attempt and benefit from this session.  All these positions can be done during the recovery stage of respiratory illness/ when the symptoms are mild.

Props are used for support, but household objects can be used for this.