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Course Level: Intermediate

Arm Balancing Short Course (Weekend Intensive) Part 1- Preparing through Foundational Asanas

599.00 for 1 month

Exploring the connection of foundational asana – standing, seated and supine – to arm balancing positions. exploring the role of the limbs, the back, shoulders, wrist in arm balancing positions.

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 120min

Props needed: 3-4 blankets, 3 blocks, belt, 2 chairs, access to a wall

This recording is part of the  Arm Balancing Weekend Intensive Short Course.

Tag words: adho mukha svanasana adho mukha vrksasana arm balance arms back pain bhujapidasana blocks cervical health cervical spondylosis chairs eka hasta bhujasana energising neck health parsva konasana prasarita padottanasana shoulder health sports tennis tittibhasana tolasana virabhadrasana II

Most arm balancing positions involve abdominal action, and are therefore not suitable in case of any abdominal tenderness, surgery etc. and for women during menstruation.
This session has several positions where we progressively increase load on the wrists. Those with any wrist injuries/ weakness are advised caution