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Course Level: Beginner, Experienced Beginner

Asana Based Practice to Complement Running (Short Course in 8 Parts)

Focus: Asanas can be versatile ‘supporting’ practices to all other life endeavours.  If you are a runner, asanas have the potential to do a lot more than ‘stretching’.  The sessions in this Short Course offer carefully chosen options that can help the runner target specific areas of the body, work with actions/ positions that are not adequately covered by running, as well as bringing strength and flexibility to those areas that are continuously working while running.  The sessions offer options for increasing strength and flexibility, injury prevention, resting and recovery, not just on a physical level, but at the level of the mind and the breath. These sessions aim to maintain the rigour (and therefore, the effectiveness) of Iyengar Yoga, but can be attempted by any healthy non-asana practitioner.

This Short Course is in 8 parts:



Tag words: running

Included in this course

To keep the recordings to a reasonable duration, parts III, IV, V, and VI of this Short Course directly start with a sirsasana.  In your regular practice, especially if you are still in the process of refining your sirsasana, this is not recommended. For this reason, we recommend you familiarise yourself well with the first 2 parts of this Short Course, and always do at least a part of this practice before attempting sirsasana.