Use of Chair in Asana Practice: Reinforcing the Standing Asanas
In this session, we use the chair not to make the standing asanas easier, but to increase their intensity. We use the chair to make it easier for us to work a little harder.
Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate
Duration: 80 mins.
Props needed: Chair, bolster, blanket, blocks, access to a wall
This recording is part of the Short Course Use of Chair in Asana Practice (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginner, Intermediate)
Tag words: ankles calf calves chairs hips knees legs parivrtta parsva konasana parsva konasana parsvottanasana props running sports standing asanas
The chair provides an invaluable support in standing asanas for those who are in a weakened state, or are infirm. But in this session, we use the chair not to make the standing asanas easier, but to increase their intensity. We use the chair to make it easier for us to work a little harder.
The chair can be used in a variety of way especially in combination with other props like blankets, bolsters and belts. Here, we look at the basic and intermediate level positions only. While some of these positions require a backless yoga chair, some can be done with any sturdy chair.
This session assumes that the practitioner is already familiar with the unsupported versions of these asanas, and only teaches the adaptation with the chair and other props.