Use of Chair in Asana Practice: Forward Extensions and Twists
Forward extensions and twisting actions can feel inaccessible and cause back discomfort for those who are stiff. In both cases, using the chair provides better access to these asanas.
Level: Experienced Beginner, Gentle
Duration: 70 mins.
Props needed: Chair, bolster, blanket, blocks, access to a wall
Tag words: blood pressure chairs forward bends janu sirsasana
Forward extensions are recommended for their calming and quietening effects. But they can often feel frustrating, and cause back discomfort for those who are stiff. Twisting actions can have an intense cleansing and refreshing effect. But they can often feel inaccessible to those who are stiff. In both cases, using the chair provides better access to the asanas.
The chair can be used in a variety of ways, especially in combination with other props like blankets, bolsters and belts. Here, we look at the basic and intermediate level positions only. While some of these positions require a backless yoga chair, some can be done with any sturdy chair.
This session assumes that the practitioner is already familiar with the unsupported versions of these asanas, and only teaches the adaptation with the chair and other props.