Moving the Arms and the Legs from a Steady Core: Balance, Roll, Revolve
Learning to use the muscles of the abdominal area: progression from the previous session with stronger arm and leg actions, and adding the challenges of balancing, rolling and revolving.
Level: Experienced Beginner
Duration: 60min
Props required: yoga strap, blocks, a blanket
This session is part of the Short Course Short Course #2 for Abdomen: Moving the Limbs from a Stable Centre (Short Course; Level: Experienced Beginners)
Tag words: 60mins abdomen abdominals core dynamic favorite malasana parivrtta trikonasana supta padangusthasana I supta padangusthasana III utkatasana
People with certain back injuries are advised caution in forward extensions.
Strong abdominal actions are contraindicated for women during pregnancy and during the days of menstruation.